AIPSE Seminar Export & Import 101

Kupas tuntas pasar Jerman: Salah satu Hub ekspor produk Indonesia menuju benua Eropa. Semaraknya animo masyarakat Indonesia dan Eropa terhadap produk-produk indonesia, serta melihat potensi perdagangan dua arah antara indonesia dan Eropa yang lebih optimal. AIPSE berkerja sama dengan KJRI Hamburg, Dirjen Bea Cukai RI dan ITPC Hamburg tergerak mengadakanContinue readingAIPSE Seminar Export & Import 101

Intensive Immersion on Food Irradiaton Based on ISO 14470:2011 for BATAN IGMP

With it’s partner TÜV Rheinland Indonesian chapter, AIPSE-Germany and AERIAL-CRT France have successfully executed intensive technology transfer training, for enabling Irradiator Gamma Merah Putih (IGMP) facility Batan, gaining certified Food Irradiation process based on ISO 14470, in Karlsruhe. The certification is required for IGMP for preparing food and later onContinue readingIntensive Immersion on Food Irradiaton Based on ISO 14470:2011 for BATAN IGMP

Railways Safety Workshop: Benchmarking for GoA 3 Implementation

Kementerian Perhubungan RI Direktorat Jenderal Perkeretaapian mengadakan sebuah workshop pada tanggal 22 November 2021 dengan tema “Benchmarking for GoA 3 Implementation“. Workshop internasional yang juga dihadiri secara darat dan online melalui Zoom Meeting tersebut dibuka dengan Keynote Speech oleh Dr. Edi Nur Salam, Director of Railway Safety. Dilanjutkan dengan paparanContinue readingRailways Safety Workshop: Benchmarking for GoA 3 Implementation

The 3rd International Conference on Vocational Innovation and Applied Sciences (ICVIAS) 2021

“Innovative Development in Applied Business, Health and Information Technology in the Global Pandemic Era” 24 & 25 October 2021 One of the goals of a vocational program is to prepare human resources who have expertise and skills in their fields and are ready to compete in the workplace globally. However,Continue readingThe 3rd International Conference on Vocational Innovation and Applied Sciences (ICVIAS) 2021

Tailor-Made Courses: Innovation Management System ISO 56000

AIPSE bersama TÜV Rheinland Indonesia berhasil menyenggarakan Training ISO 56000 Series di Jerman. Training yang dihadiri oleh para peserta dari Badan Sertifikasi Negara (BSN) selama dua pekan ini terdiri dari beberapa rangkaian training series. Rangkaian pertama, yaitu dari Senin sampai Rabu, 13 hingga 15 September 2021 para peserta mendapatkan bekalContinue readingTailor-Made Courses: Innovation Management System ISO 56000