In colaboration with IAJ (Ikatan Alumni Jerman) chapter Europe and FIRE (Forum For Indonesian Renewable Energy), we AIPSE dearly invite, Indonesian diaspora in Germany and Alumni all arround the globe respectively, to join our 3rd AIPSE Shares Knowledge – ASK-Series:
12th March 2023
10:00 – 12:00 CET / 16:00 – 18:00 WIB
and proudly present:
“Indonesia Energy Security: From Renewable Energy to Green Hydrogen”
- Dr.-Ing. Rahmat Suryana (Energy Division Manager, AIPSE)
- Ir. Bambang Darwanto (Business Development Manager, IAJ EU)
Opening Speech: Andri Prasetyo Nugroho – Economic Counsellor of the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Berlin
moderated by Azmi Ahmad Hazimi M.Sc. (Founder FIRE)
Let’s join ASK-Series, and start the journey to continously contribute, transforming Indonesia – Germany for a better future.